
Top 5 Books I’m Thankful For

November 25, 2015

T5W BooksIn the spirit of Thanksgiving and gratitude, I wanted to share a list of books that I’m thankful for. If you’re looking for books to read over the fall break, I definitely recommend any of these.

5. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen – Yes, I’m a complete Darcy fangirl, but this was also one of the first well-regarded books written by a woman. And it’s essentially a comedy of manners, a romance, that is included in the literary canon. It still resonates with readers and continues to be adapted to reach different audiences. It’s heartwarming and lovely.

4. Abundance of Katherines by John Green – While I do appreciate the way grief is handled in Looking for Alaska, this was the first Green novel I ever read and it changed the way I looked at the young adult literature market. It also lead to friendships that I’m incredibly thankful for, so it will always make the list. Plus, it still makes me laugh out loud.

3. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson – This was the first YA book I read that handled sexual assault, and the aftermath. As I navigated how to deal with my own experiences as a teenager, it was a balm that made me feel like I wasn’t alone.

2. the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling – Without this series, my life would literally be completely different. It would have less joy, less friends, less exploration, less bravery. Plus, Hermione was one of the first characters in literature that I identified with completely, flaws and all, and continued to love throughout the series. I’m also thankful, of course, for the way this series changed the publishing market and eventually made a generation of nerds that like to read.

1. Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie – My favorite book had to be on this list, so I’m sure no one is surprised. It reminds me, constantly, that writing for children doesn’t mean talking down to them. Plus, it keeps me focused on finding the fun and whimsy in life, and in writing.

This topic was inspired by the Top 5 Wednesday group, which you should definitely check out. I’ve made a few Top 5 Wednesday videos on my channel, and you are welcome to watch those as well!

Let me know what books you are thankful for in the comments, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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